Lua, the earth’s moon, everybody wants to start farming Lua. There are several reasons why everybody goes for farming Lua. One of the most popular reasons among them is either they want an Octavia or the chassis blueprint.
Well, for each one of those, you might need to pass several tests. There are seven tests that you will have to pass to get these as rewards to yourself.
🎮 The challenge of completing all seven Halls of Ascension rooms solo adds an exciting element to the game.
🎮 The solo guide for navigating the Halls of Ascension in Warframe provides valuable tips for players looking to conquer this challenging area.
🎮 In order to unlock the underground stairs, players need to find four Spears on the walls and stand near them to feed them energy until they are fully charged.
🔒 Destroy the tampered orbs and shoot the flowing plate to complete the speed test in the center room.
🚪 “If you complete both of them at the end of each hallway is a plate above the door that you must shoot, completing the test and giving you access to the treasure room.”
🔒 Standing on the platform enduring the hits while disabling lasers in the Halls of Ascension test requires a tanky frame like Inaros or Rhino.
🔵 Once water flows freely the center will glow golden and the player must step on it to activate the test.
The Hall of Ascension
First and foremost, let us talk about the hall of ascension. If you want to get a reward for yourself, you must need to pass those seven special tests for Lua to earn a reward for yourself.
However, if you want to pass all these seven tests, it might get complicated as they are all relatively annoying. So, all you can do is focus on the mods that you can get through quickly and get into Lua.
Agility Test
The Agility test is one of the hardest of these seven tests in the hall of ascension. To get through this, not only will you have to understand this, but also you will need to memorize it so well that you can get through this. You will have to remember where to shoot and how to shoot to pass this test.
- Shoot the first button that you will find right above the archway, and this will start the test, and there two tubes will start glowing.
- Jump in the left tube, and then you will find yourself in the air where the next button needs to be shot. Once you shoot this, a higher-level button will get activated.
- Now, shoot the button on the right-side present in the air and not land on the ground.
- Search for those two buttons that are right beside each other and if you find them, then shoot those also.
Once you get into the active tube, then shoot the buttons that are in the upper level. Once you are done with all these, you will find yourself with the reward, and you can go on to the next mission.
Collaboration Test
The Collaboration test is somewhat easy only if you know what you should do and what time in the hall of ascension. First, you will have to start with the Warframe and switch to the operation mode to get through this one. Jump to the front pad and then activate it.
- After this, find the next glowing pad and get on it, waiting for the other pads to glow. Step on that and then repeat the same for four pads.
- After this, you will need to get into the caves and do the same as you were doing before. Once you are done with the caves, then you are ready to go to the middle room.
- Once you get into the middle room, you will have to jump through the portal and then get the reward.
Cunning Test
The room can be easily identified with four pillars and a hole outside. All you need to get through this test will have to shoot the two water pipes to activate them and get into the middle room.
When you face the security eye, keep rushing so that it teleports itself behind you in the hall of ascension. All you need to do is deactivate the energy field and protect yourself from getting killed by the security eye.
Endurance Test
Jump in the middle of the pad that will activate every laser in the room. These lasers are pointed in the center and can damage the one standing in the middle. The key to get through this one is to survive for one minute till the glass column is filled with water; once done, you will get your reward.
Power Test
To get through this one, identify the room with pads and a spiral staircase. Get close to one of the four spheres start draining energy from the Warframe. After charging, move to the next sphere and do the same. You will have to be quick enough to charge all four spheres, and once you are done with it, the staircase will open.
Speed Test
So, this one is the toughest among all. Identify the room and then be quick in each of your tasks. As you step on the pressure plate, the door will open, and there will be Death Orbs that will try to suck your energy.
If you get through the last doors, then you will move to the next hall. Again, repeat the same process as before. If you make it on time, then you will have to head towards the laser room. Get through the portal and earn your reward for this Lua mission.
Stealth Test
Start the test and hide from the glowing pads. Find the big golden glowing pad to step. Jump through the room and dodge the laser beams and move to the other side. Once you get to the other side, the portal will open, and you will earn the reward.