The Deconstructor Prime is a sentinel weapon that can only be used along with the Helios Prime and Helios Sentinels.
The Prime version of Deconstructor has some improved damage, and this weapon can be used along with the melee mods.
In this guide, we will discuss everything about Deconstructor Prime along with its pros and cons. We will also discuss the best Deconstructor Prime build.
If you are thinking about building and using this sentinel weapon, this guide will help you with that.
🔫 When using the assault mode version of the attack, the deconstructor will take a far range at 30 meters.
🔫 The fire rate of the Deconstructor Prime can be increased with attack speed mods, but other mods like blood rush, berserker, and organ shatter do not work.
🔧 The prime favorite strike and prime fury combo is a must-have for this build.
🔫 It’s up to you guys. But I think this is more efficient so let’s go straight into the damage showcase.
Deconstructor Prime
The Deconstructor Prime is a weapon of Helios, which comes with some nice utility mods. The weapon consists of some good amount of base damage, a fast projectile speed, along with an excellent status chance.
The Deconstructor Prime has a critical chance of zero, so it is useless to use any critical mod in this weapon.
This weapon can inflict Impact, Slash, and Puncture damage in a sequence. Compared to the non-primed version, it has higher base damage, higher fire rate, and a higher mastery rank.
- It has the second-highest base damage among all the sentinel weapons.
- It can deal with Impact, Slash, and Puncture damage in a sequence.
- It has a very high-Status chance.
- Its projectile speed is breakneck.
- It has a critical chance of 0%
- It has a slow reloading time.
- It can only be used along with the helios and helios prime.
Best Deconstructor Prime Build – The Standard Build
There is more than one playable build of Deconstructor Prime. After you found the best build, you do not need to switch it.
There is already a very high-status chance in this weapon, so instead of increasing the status chance, you can focus on changing the elemental damage types.
You can also ignore any critical chance mods because these are useless with this weapon.
You can try elemental damage mods such as Shocking Touch and Primed Fever Strike, and it will help you increase the damage output.
Spoiled Strike is considered the weakest mod in the build, and you can easily replace it by Condition Overload.
It is unnecessary to use the primed version of all the mods, and you can also use the standard version of these.
Final Words
The Deconstructor is one of the best sentinel weapons in the game, which can be automatically acquired by acquiring Helios. The Helios itself is considered a very great sentinel, but it limits your choices.
While building this weapon, you must keep in mind that there is no critical chance in the weapon, so it is useless to use any critical mod in this weapon, and it also has a very high-status chance, so instead of increasing the status chance, you can consider some other elemental mods.
This is all about this guide. We have discussed Deconstructor Prime along with the best Deconstructor Prime build. I hope you found this helpful article. If you think we have missed some important information related to the build, you can tell us by commenting down below.